Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yolanda (Haiyan) was one of the worst, if not the worst, Typhoons in history. Now that the storm has passed the Philippines, the surviving people in Tacloban City are in desperate need of assistance.  These people were already struggling to survive before the Typhoon, imagine what they face now as even food and water are scarce.  They have lost every possession!  This site is dedicated to assisting our immediate family in Tacloban City.

My wife spoke with one of her sisters on November 11, 2013.  She has been trying to communicate with her siblings, almost every hour; it was four days after the Typhoon before she finally reached one of them.  All of her relatives made it through the Typhoon, except for one of her niece’s and her family; they are missing at the moment (husband, wife and two young daughters), we are praying that they are found alive and healthy!  (update 11.16.2013 our niece and her family have been located, they are ok; Praise the Lord!) The rest of her siblings and their families are devastated and in shock from the traumatic experience; I cannot even imagine what they have been through, but Praise GOD they are alive!

My wife recounted a short story her sister told her; Meet Bernice, Francis, and Christine Daza (our nieces and nephew).  These children survived the Typhoon on the roof of a house with their parents.  The flood water was strong, but they managed to hang on to each other through the Typhoon.  Christine almost drowned (several times) during the Typhoon from the raging flood, but she made it, she is alive, along with her two siblings and their parents.  But our comfort is short lived, as these children have no food to eat.  They don’t have clean water to drink, or shelter over their heads; every one of our relatives lost their home.  Not ONE of them (eight siblings in Tacloban City) still has a livable dwelling.

So how can you help?  100% of support raised through this website will be sent to these eight siblings, their children and their grandchildren (over fifty people) via Western Union.  Funds raised will be used for Food, Water, Shelter and Medicine.  It’s that simple!  Any amount of support you can give is appreciated more than words can describe, Thank YOU for helping!